"Oversight Hearing on the Bush Administration's Plans to Privatize Social Security"
Friday, January 28, 2005
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
628 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Hearing Transcript
For a full transcript of the hearing click here.
Opening Statements
Senator Byron L. Dorgan
Chair, Democratic Policy Committee
Senator Harry Reid
Senate Democratic Leader
Panel 1
James Roosevelt, Jr.
Grandson of President Franklin Roosevelt
Kenneth Apfel
Former Commissioner of the Social Security Administration
Douglas Holbrook
Vice President–Secretary/Treasurer, Board of AARP
Michael Tanner
Director, "Project on Social Security Choice," CATO Institute
Peter Orszag
Josph A. Pechman Senior Fellow in Economics Studies, Brookings Institution
Panel 2
Debbie Frederickson
Minneapolis, MN
Steve Kofahl
Everett, WA
Danielle Brian
Executive Director, Project on Government Oversight