FACT SHEET | November 14, 2007

National Security Index


Pakistan – U.S. Assistance/Pakistani popular opinion


Estimated amount the U.S. has provided in aid to Pakistan since September 11, 2001:

> $10 billion


Percent of that aid that has gone to support development or humanitarian assistance initiatives:

10 percent


Percent of suicide attackers in Afghanistan who have been recruited or received training or other support in Pakistan’s tribal areas:

80 percent


Percent of Pakistanis who gave Osama bin Laden a favorable approval rating, according to an August poll by the non-partisan organization Terror Free Tomorrow:

46 percent


Percent of Pakistanis surveyed who gave President Musharraf a favorable approval rating:

38 percent


Percent of Pakistanis surveyed who gave a favorable view of the United States:

19 percent


Percent of Pakistanis surveyed who believe the U.S.-led war on terror has an anti-Islam motivation:

66 percent


Percent of urban Pakistanis who favor sending the Pakistani army to the Northwestern tribal areas to “pursue and capture al Qaeda fighters,” according to a Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) poll:

44 percent


Percent who would support the Pakistani army acting against Taliban insurgents who have crossed over from Afghanistan, according to the PIPA poll:

48 percent


Percent who would oppose allowing the U.S. or other foreign troops to pursue the Taliban or al Qaeda in Pakistan, according to the PIPA poll:

80 percent





Iraq – key benchmarks and the state of the “surge”



Number of U.S. troops that will be in Iraq in the summer of 2008, according to the Bush Administration’s plan:



Number of U.S. troops in Iraq in February 2007, prior to the military escalation:



Number of U.S. troops in Iraq when President Bush declared “mission accomplished” in May 2003:



Number of the 18 security, economic and legislative benchmarks for national reconciliation the Iraqi government has met, according to the GAO:



Number of months before Iraq’s Security Forces will be able to independently fulfill its security role, according to the Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq:



Amount of the $10 billion in reconstruction funds that the Iraqi government has spent on programs aimed at improving the lives of the Iraqi people:

$1.5 billion


Percent of Iraqis who say that the surge has worsened, rather than improved security, political stability, and reconstruction, according to a nationwide poll conducted in August:

65-70 percent


Percent of Iraqis who say that the presence of U.S. troops is improving overall security:

18 percent


Percent of Iraqis who disapprove of the al Maliki government, according to an August poll:

66 percent


Percent of a bipartisan group of more than 100 foreign policy experts who assess that the surge has had a negative impact on U.S. national security:

53 percent


Percent of Americans who believe that the U.S. should begin withdrawing troops from Iraq:

54 percent


Rank of Iraq on the 2007 Failed States Index:






Iraq - Security



Approximate number of U.S. troops currently in Iraq:



Percent of coalition forces contributed by the U.S.:



Number of countries originally part of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq:



Number of countries that remain in the coalition today:



Approximate amount appropriated by Congress for Iraq operations so far:

>$450 billion


Approximate amount requested for Fiscal Year 2008 emergency war funding:

$196.4 billion


Estimated total cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the Congressional Budget Office:

$2.4 trillion


Estimated total cost of the war in Iraq, according to the Congressional Budget Office:

$1.9 trillion


Estimated cost of interest alone, due to war funding through borrowed money:

$564 billion


Approximate amount the U.S. is spending in Iraq per month (including operational and investment costs):

$10 billion


Approximate amount the U.S. spent in Iraq per month in Fiscal Year 2003 (including operational and investment costs):

$4.4 billion


Number of U.S. service members killed in Iraq:



Number reported wounded by the Defense Department:



Approximate percentage of military deaths caused by roadside bombs in 2004:

33 percent


Approximate percentage of military deaths caused by roadside bombs in 2007:

80 percent


Percent of Iraqis who approve of attacks on Coalition forces:

57 percent


Number of Iraqi police and security forces trained and equipped:




Percent of Iraqi police force that is now Shiite:

85 percent



Rate of attrition for Iraqi police, according to the Pentagon:

30 percent



Rate of desertion for Iraqi soldiers deployed to combat areas outside their normal area of operation:

>50 percent



Number of weapons the U.S. provided to Iraq’s security forces in 2004-2005 that the Pentagon is unable to account for:




Cost of military equipment Iraq has ordered from China:

$100 million



Value of contracts the Iraqi government has agreed to award to China and Iran to build two power plants:

$1.1 billion







Iraq - Humanitarian




Estimated number of Iraqi civilians killed in the violence since U.S.-led invasion, according to Iraq’s Minister of Health (as of November 2006):




Number of Iraqi civilians killed in the violence in 2006, according to the U.N.:




Approximate number of Iraqis who have fled the country as refugees:

2.2 million



Approximate number of Iraqis who have been internally displaced:

2.25 million



Number of Iraq’s 18 provinces that are denying entry and/or aid to Iraqis fleeing other parts of the country:




Percent of Baghdad’s population that was Sunni prior to the war:

65 percent



Percent of Baghdad’s population that is Shi’a today:

75 percent



Percent of Iraq’s professional class that has left the country since late 2003:

40 percent



Approximate number of Iraqis who have fled to Jordan:




Approximate number of Iraqis who have fled to Syria:

1.4 – 1.5 million



Number of Iraqis who have been granted entry to the United States this Fiscal Year (out of a goal of 7,000):




Annual Iraq budget of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in 2003:

$150 million



Annual Iraq budget of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees in 2006:

$29 million



Number of Iraqi civilians who need immediate emergency aid (i.e. water, sanitation, food and shelter):

8 million (approximately 1/3 of Iraq’s population)



Number of Baghdad residents polled in a March survey say they have experienced the kidnapping of a family member or relative in the past three years:

23 percent



Percent of Iraq’s population that currently lives in “absolute poverty”:




Infant mortality rate in Iraq: (Middle East average is 37, sub-Saharan Africa average is 105)




Percent of Iraqi children who suffered from malnutrition prior to the war:

19 percent



Percent of Iraqi children who are chronically malnourished today:

28 percent



Percent of Iraqi elementary-age children who attended school last year, according to the Iraq Ministry of Education:

75 percent



Percent of Iraqi elementary-age children who are attending school now, according to the Iraq Ministry of Education:

30 percent







Iraq - Reconstruction




Of the 1,000 U.S. employees at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, number who have a working knowledge of Arabic:




Percent of team members in U.S. civilian-military Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) with “the cultural knowledge and Arabic language skills needed to work with Iraqis”:

5 percent



Percent of U.S. reconstruction projects that the Iraqi government has assumed responsibility for:

15 percent



Estimated unemployment rate, according to the Pentagon:

17.6 percent



Estimated underemployment rate, according to the Pentagon:

38.1 percent



Percent of Iraqis who rate the availability of jobs as quite bad or very bad:

80 percent



Estimated number of jobs that have been created in Iraq’s former state-owned businesses in the past year (out of the stated objective of 11,000):




Percent of Iraqi factories that have reopened:

< 5 percent



Of the $57 billion in contract funds for Iraq reconstruction aid, the amount the U.S. government has squandered due to contractor overcharges and unsupported expenses:

$10 billion



Of these $10 billion in overpriced contracts and unsupported expenses, amount that was charged by Halliburton:

$2.7 billion



According to the GAO, anticipated reconstruction gap (difference between estimates of what is needed to rebuild and what the international community has pledged in aid)that the new Iraqi government will face:

$50 billion



Oil production for October 2007 (barrels per day):

2.33 million



Average oil production prior to invasion (barrels per day):

2.5 million



Bush Administration’s prewar projections of Iraq’s post-war oil output (barrels per day):

3 million



Portion of Iraq’s GDP generated by oil revenues:




Electricity capacity in Iraq (in megawatts) prior to invasion (March 2003):




Electricity capacity to have been reached by July 2004, according to U.S. reconstruction goals:




Electricity capacity in Iraq (in megawatts) in October 2007:




Current national demand for electricity (in megawatts):




Average number of daily hours of electricity nationwide:

12 hours



Average number of daily hours of electricity in Baghdad:

7.6 hours



Average number of daily hours of electricity in Baghdad prior to 2003:




Percent of Iraqis who lacked regular access to clean water prior to 2003:

50 percent



Percent of Iraqis who lack regular access to clean water today:

70 percent



Percent of Iraqis who lack effective sanitation:

80 percent






Operational links between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq:


Number of days Osama bin Laden has remained at large:


Number of the 22 most wanted terrorists of 2001 who remain at large:


Number of significant global terrorist attacks reported by the State Department in 2003:


Total number of worldwide global terrorist attacks reported by the U.S. Government’s National Counterterrorism Center in 2004:


Total number of worldwide global terrorist attacks reported by the U.S. Government’s National Counterterrorism Center in 2005:


Total number of worldwide global terrorist attacks reported by the U.S. Government’s National Counterterrorism Center in 2006:


Percent of the Fiscal Year 2007 National Security Budget being spent on Iraq:

21 percent

Percent of the Fiscal Year 2007 National Security Budget being spent on international broadcasting and educational cultural exchanges to win the war of ideas with terrorist groups:






Number of insurgent attacks in 2005:


Number of insurgent attacks in 2006:


Number of suicide attacks between 2001-2004:


Number of suicide attacks in 2005:


Number of suicide attacks in 2006:


Number of suicide attacks in the first eight months of 2007:


Increase in violence between 2006-2007, according to the U.N:

30 percent

Average number of violent incidents each month in 2007, according to the U.N.:


Number of violence-related deaths in Afghanistan in 2006, according to the U.N.:


Number of violence-related deaths in Afghanistan in the first nine months of 2007, according to the U.N.:


Percent of schools in the south that have been forced to close due to Taliban attacks:

35 percent

Percent increase in poppy production between 2006-2007:

17 percent

Percent of world’s supply of opium that Afghanistan produces:

93 percent

Percent of Afghanistan’s population that is involved in poppy cultivation:

14.3 percent

(an increase of 14 percent over 2006)

Percent of the resources financing the Taliban-led insurgency in Afghanistan that is obtained through illicit poppy cultivation:

40 percent

Amount of international aid allocated per person in Afghanistan:


Amount of international aid allocated per person in Iraq:


Reconstruction gap (difference between estimates of what is needed to rebuild Afghanistan and what the international community has pledged in aid) in Afghanistan:

$8.7 billion

Percent of Afghan population that has access to electricity:

6 percent

Percent of Afghan population that has access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation:

39 percent

GDP of Afghanistan in 2007:

$7.5 billion

Out of 178 countries, rank of Afghanistan in the basic index of human development:




World Opinion


Percent of surveyed citizens from 25 countries who say that the U.S. is playing a mainly negative role in the world:

49 percent

Percent who believe the U.S. military presence in the Middle East plays a destabilizing role:

68 percent

Percent who disapprove of U.S. handling of the war in Iraq:

73 percent

Number of countries that have a less favorable opinion of the United States today than they did in 2002, according to a Pew Global Attitudes survey of 47 countries:


Percent of Palestinians, Turks, Egyptians, and Jordanians from the Pew survey who expressed unfavorable opinions of the United States:

>75 percent

Number of the five Western Allies surveyed (Canada, Britain, France, Germany, and Spain) who have more negative views of the United States today, than they did in 2002:




Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)


Percent of U.S.-funded security and accounting upgrades that have been completed on buildings with weapons-usable nuclear material in the former Soviet Union:

55 percent

Percent of security upgrades completed on Russian nuclear warhead sites:

50 percent

Amount of Russia’s stockpile of weapons-usable nuclear material that would be sufficient for terrorists to make several nuclear bombs:


Of the $20 billion the G-8 pledged to raise between 2002 and 2012 to prevent terrorists from obtaining nuclear materials, amount that actually has been donated:

3.5 billion

Number of research reactors around the world (in an estimated 40 countries) that continue to operate with HEU as their fuel:


·North Korea


Estimated minimum number of nuclear weapons likely produced by North Korea during the Bush Administration:


Estimated number produced by North Korea from 1953 to 2000:




Number of years before Iran will be able to produce a nuclear weapon, according to media reports on the spring 2005 National Intelligence Estimate:


Number of centrifuges for enriching uranium that Iran was operating at its facility in Natanz as of August 2007:


Number of years it would take to produce enough weapons-grade uranium for a nuclear weapon with 3,000 centrifuges in operation:


Rank of Iran in the State Department’s report on state-sponsors of terrorism:


Number of days the Bush Administration has allowed Iranian nuclear activities to continue without full international verification and monitoring:






Estimated conflict-related deaths since the crisis began in February 2003:


Approximate number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Darfur:

2.2 million

Number of new IDPs since the beginning of the year:


Number of conflict-affected civilians dependent on food and medical aid:

4.1 million

Number of conflict-affected civilians unable to be reached by humanitarian groups due to insecurity:




Total population of the Darfur region:

6 million

Days since the Bush Administration first called the situation “genocide”:




U.S. Military




Number of U.S. service members who have been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan to date:


Number of U.S. service members who have been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan more than once:


Percent increase in the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder for soldiers who serve more than one tour in Iraq or Afghanistan:

50 percent

National Guard and Reserve who have been mobilized as of November 7, 2007:


Number of National Guard members the Pentagon plans to call up early, so they can be redeployed to Iraq next year:


Revised length of tour of duty for active-duty soldiers in Iraq, as announced by the Pentagon on April 11 (revised from 12 months):

15 months

Number of non-deployed Army Brigade Combat Teams in the U.S. ready to deploy:


Percent increase in number of National Guard and Reserve members reported to have been reassigned, lost benefits, or been fired from civilian jobs after returning from duty, since 2002:

30 percent

Number of months after U.S. invasion of Iraq that all American soldiers received body armor:


Cost to reconstitute equipment lost by the Marine Corps in Iraq:

$12.8 billion

Annual costs of replacing, repairing, and upgrading Army equipment prior to 2001:

$2.5-3 billion

Annual costs of replacing, repairing, and upgrading Army equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan for Fiscal Years 2002-2006:

$4 billion

Anticipated cost for replacing, repairing, and upgrading Army equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan for Fiscal Year 2007:

$17.1 billion

Anticipated cost for replacing, repairing, and upgrading Army equipment in Iraq and Afghanistan beyond Fiscal Year 2007 and for a minimum of 2-3 years after the end of OEF/OIF:

$12-13 billion

Amount of funds the Army is planning to divert from its Future Combat Systems program through 2013 to pay for increased Iraq war costs and expansion of its forces:

$3.4 billion

Equipment modernization shortfall the Army National Guard faces beyond what the Defense Department has identified in its budget projections through FY 2013:

$24 billion

Of this shortfall, amount that is needed just to ensure the Army National Guard can reach its baseline readiness standards:

$13 billion

Percent of U.S. soldiers in Iraq surveyed by the Army who reported low morale in their units:

40 percent



·Recruiting and Retention


Percent of military who approve of the President’s handling of the war in Iraq, according to a 2006 Military Times poll:

35 percent

Percent of military who approved of the President’s handling of the war in Iraq, according to a 2004 Military Times poll:

63 percent

Number of Army soldiers who have been prevented from leaving service due to stop-loss policies:


Number of enlistees with felony convictions and arrests the Army allowed in 2003:


Number of enlistees with felony convictions and arrests the Army allowed in 2007:


Number of new Army recruits who were granted moral waivers in Fiscal Year 2003:


Number of new Army recruits who were granted moral waivers in Fiscal Year 2007:


Percent of all new Army recruits who were granted moral waivers in Fiscal Year 2007:

11 percent

Percentage of Army recruits who had high school diplomas in Fiscal Year 2003:

94 percent

Percentage of Army recruits who had high school diplomas in Fiscal Year 2007:

79 percent

Amount the Army and Marines spent on reenlistment bonuses in 2003:

$174 million

Amount the Army and Marines spent on reenlistment bonuses in 2006:

$1.03 billion

Amount the National Guard and Reserves spent on bonuses in 2003:

$27 million

Amount the National Guard and Reserves spent on bonuses in 2006:

$335 million

Reenlistment bonus the Army is now offering to captains:

Up to $35,000

Enlistment bonus the Army is now offering soldiers who enlist for 2-6 years:


Percent of the Army’s new recruits since late July who have accepted a new

$20,000 “quick ship” bonus to leave for basic training within 30 days:

92 percent

Reenlistment rate of mid-grade enlisted Army soldiers in 2005:

96 percent

Reenlistment rate of mid-grade enlisted Army soldiers in 2006:

84 percent

Number of captains and majors the Army is currently short:


Percent increase in desertion rate for active-duty Army soldiers last year:

27 percent

Percent vacancy rate in active duty psychologists in the Army and Navy:

40 percent

Maximum enlistment age for the U.S. Army today:


Maximum enlistment age for the U.S. Army in December 2005:


Percentage of the West Point class of 2001 who chose to leave the U.S. Army last year:

45 percent

Average percent of West Point class graduates who have chosen to depart service after five years of service in the last several decades:

10-30 percent



Domestic Preparedness


Number of states DHS rated as having sufficient disaster plans:

10 percent

Of the 75 U.S. metropolitan areas assessed, number of cities that DHS gave the highest rating for interoperable communications in its January 2007 scorecard:


Percent of Army National Guard forces in the United States that are very poorly equipped according to the National Guard Bureau:

88 percent

Amount in equipment funding the National Guard estimates it would require to restore domestic Army and Air units to full readiness:

$38 billion

Amount the Army has budgeted to augment National Guard equipment through 2011:

$21 billion

Percent of National Guard equipment currently available for domestic emergency response, according to the National Guard Bureau:

49 percent

Percent of necessary equipment generally available to National Guard, according to the GAO:






Additional funding for veterans care provided by the Senate-passed Fiscal Year 2008 VA appropriations bill, above the President’s request:

$3.6 billion

Number of reports of substandard conditions the Department of Veterans Affairs found in its March review of 1,400 health care facilities:


Anticipated cost of providing medical care and disability benefits to veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts:

$349.8 - $662.8 billion

Number of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who have mental health issues, according to the Pentagon:

38 percent

Number of National Guard members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who suffer from mental health issues, according to the Pentagon:

50 percent

Number of the 1,400 VA health care facilities that have in-patient PTSD programs:


Number of the approximately 1.5 million Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans who have left active duty and become eligible for VA health care, as of May 2007:


Percent of these veterans who have accessed VA health care:

35 percent

(or 263,909)

Number of OIF/OEF veterans seen for mental disorders at VHA facilities through June 2007:


Number of OIF/OEF veterans seen for potential Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders at VHA facilities through June 2007:


Percent increase in the number of OIF/OEF veterans seeking treatment for mental health disorders in the 12 months ending June 30, 2007:

58 percent

Percent increase in the number of OIF/OEF veterans seeking treatment for PTSD in the 12 months ending June 30, 2007:

70 percent

Percent increase in clinic staff at Vet Centers between 2004 and 2006:

<10 percent

Estimated number of veterans denied access to VA health services since the Bush Administration imposed a ban on Priority 8 veterans:

1 million

Total Compensation and Pension Claims Backlog as of October 20, 2007:


Percent of these claims pending for more than 6 months:

26.4 percent

Average number of days it takes the Veterans Benefits Administration to process an original claim:

177 days

Average number of days it takes the Veterans Benefits Administration to process an appeal:

657 days

Number of disability claims generated from OIF/OEF veterans:


Unemployment rate for veterans age 20-24:

15.6 percent

Unemployment rate for non-veterans age 20-24:

8.7 percent

Approximate number of veterans who are currently homeless:


Percent of homeless people in the United States who are veterans:

25 percent





Democracy and Development


Percent of U.S. funds dedicated to international development initiatives, as compared to military spending:


Total amount appropriated to the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) so far:

$6 billion

Total aid awarded by the MCC so far:

$3 billion

Annual amount President Bush promised for the MCA:

$5 billion

Average amount requested in President Bush’s annual budgets since he proposed the MCA:

$2.56 billion

Number of the world’s ten least developed nations with whom the United States has signed an MCC compact:


Number of the world’s 40 poorest nations with whom the United States has signed an MCA compact:


Rank of the United States among the world’s 22 major donor countries in foreign assistance spending, measured as a percentage of Gross National Income:


Average percent of Gross National Income the world’s 22 major donor countries spent on foreign assistance in 2006:

.47 percent

Percent of U.S. Gross National Income spent on foreign assistance in 2006:

.17 percent

Number of children dying each day from preventable diseases:


Percentage of the world’s population living on less than $2 per day:









Pakistan –U.S. Assistance/Pakistani Public Opinion

1. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), A Perilous Course: U.S. Strategy and Assistance to Pakistan, 9/24/07. (http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/070924_pakistan.pdf)

2. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), A Perilous Course: U.S. Strategy and Assistance to Pakistan, 9/24/07. (http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/070924_pakistan.pdf)

3. According to a September 2007 U.N. report, cited in CRS, Pakistan-U.S. Relations, 10/18/07.(http://www.congress.gov/erp/rl/pdf/RL33498.pdf)

4. Terror Free Tomorrow, reported by CNN, 9/11/07. (http://www.terrorfreetomorrow.org/upimagestft/CNN%20Story.pdf)

5. Terror Free Tomorrow, reported by CNN, 9/11/07. (http://www.terrorfreetomorrow.org/upimagestft/CNN%20Story.pdf)

6. Terror Free Tomorrow, cited in CRS, Pakistan-U.S. Relations, 10/18/07. (http://www.congress.gov/erp/rl/pdf/RL33498.pdf)

7. Terror Free Tomorrow, reported by CNN, 9/11/07. (http://www.terrorfreetomorrow.org/upimagestft/CNN%20Story.pdf)

8. WorldPublicOpinion.org, 10/31/07. (http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/home_page/424.php?lb=hmpg1&pnt=424&nid=&id=)

9. WorldPublicOpinion.org, 10/31/07. (http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/home_page/424.php?lb=hmpg1&pnt=424&nid=&id=)

10. WorldPublicOpinion.org, 10/31/07. (http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/articles/home_page/424.php?lb=hmpg1&pnt=424&nid=&id=) 


Iraq – key benchmarks and the state of the “surge”

1. New York Times, 9/14/07.

2. New York Times, 9/14/07.

3. Salon.com, 9/10/07.

4. Government Accountability Office, 9/4/07. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d071195.pdf

5. Independent Commission on the Security Forces of Iraq, 9/6/07. http://armed-services.senate.gov/statemnt/2007/September/Jones%2009-06-07.pdf

6. Government Accountability Office, 9/4/07. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d071195.pdf

7. ABC News, 9/10/07. ABC News/BBC/NHK National survey.

8. ABC News, 9/10/07. ABC News/BBC/NHK National survey.

9. ABC News, 9/10/07. ABC News/BBC/NHK National survey.

10. Terrorism Index, Center for American Progress/Foreign Policy, 8/20/07.

11. ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Sept. 27-30, 2007 http://www.pollingreport.com/iraq.htm

12. Failed States Index, as reported by the Washington Post, 6/18/07.


Iraq –Security

1. Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf)

2. Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf)

3. Center for American Progress, Progress Report, 10/10/07. USA Today, 10/10/07.

4. Center for American Progress, Progress Report, 10/10/07. USA Today, 10/10/07.

5. Senate Appropriations Committee Majority Staff, 10/15/07.

6. Congress Daily, 10/22/07.

7. USA Today, 10/24/07.

8. USA Today, 10/24/07.

9. USA Today, 10/24/07.

10. Congressional Research Service RL 33110. (http://www.congress.gov/erp/rl/pdf/RL33110.pdf) This estimate includes both operational (military personnel, operation and maintenance, working capitol, defense health) and investment (procurement, RTD&E, and military construction) costs, last updated July 16, 2007.

11. Congressional Research Service RL 33110. (http://www.congress.gov/erp/rl/pdf/RL33110.pdf) This estimate includes both operational (military personnel, operation and maintenance, working capitol, defense health) and investment (procurement, RTD&E, and military construction) costs, last updated July 16, 2007.

12. DoD Casualty Report (http://www.dod.gov/news/casualty.pdf) November 8, 2007.

13. DoD Casualty Report (http://www.dod.gov/news/casualty.pdf) November 8, 2007.

14. Salon.com, 9/10/07.

15. Salon.com, 9/10/07.

16. ABC News, 9/10/07. ABC News/BBC/NHK National survey.

17. Department of Defense, Measuring Security and Stability in Iraq, June 2007.(http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pdfs/9010-Final-20070608.pdf)

18. General James Jones, Testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, 9/6/07.

19. Department of Defense, Measuring Security and Stability in Iraq, 11/30/06 (http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pdfs/9010Quarterly-Report-20061216.pdf).

20. Department of Defense, Measuring Security and Stability in Iraq, 11/30/06 (http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pdfs/9010Quarterly-Report-20061216.pdf).

21. According to the GAO, as reported by the Washington Post, 8/6/07.

22. Washington Post, 10/04/07.

23. New York Times, 10/18/07.


Iraq -Humanitarian

1. UN Assistance Mission in Iraq, Quarterly Human Rights Report, 10/31/06. (http://www.uniraq.org/documents/HR%20Report%20Sep%20Oct%202006%20EN.pdf) (there is no official number – estimates vary widely. Other estimates include: 73,498-80,116 Iraq Body Count (not including deaths during major combat operations in 2003) (http://www.iraqbodycount.net/) accessed on 9/24/07); 650,000 according to an October 2006 report published in the Lancet.

2.New York Times, 1/16/07.

3. U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq, 11 October 2007. (http://www.uniraq.org/FileLib/misc/HR%20Report%20Apr%20Jun%202007%20EN.pdf)

4. U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq, 11 October 2007.

5. The Guardian, 10/11/07.

6. McClatchy, 8/15/07.

7.McClatchy, 8/15/07.

8. Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf)

9. BBC, 10/10/07.

10. BBC, 10/10/07.

11. Human Rights First. http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/asylum/lifeline/pages.asp?country=iq&id=19&misc1=overview_admissions

12. Brookings Institution, 1/4/07.(http://www.brookings.edu/views/op-ed/cohenr/20070104.htm)

13. Brookings Institution, 1/4/07.(http://www.brookings.edu/views/op-ed/cohenr/20070104.htm)

14. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20031683/ Associated Press, July 30, 2007.

15. According to a March 2007 Poll by Opinion Research Business, cited in the Brookings Institution Iraq Index, September 27, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf)

16. Oxfam, Rising to the humanitarian challenge in Iraq, 7/07.

17. Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf)

18. Oxfam, Rising to the humanitarian challenge in Iraq, 7/07.

19. Oxfam, Rising to the humanitarian challenge in Iraq, 7/07.

20. Newsweek, 1/22/07.

21. Newsweek, 1/22/07


Iraq - Reconstruction

1. ABC News, 6/20/07.

2. Salon.com, 9/10/07.

3. Los Angeles Times, 7/30/07.

4. Department of Defense, Measuring Security and Stability in Iraq, September 2007. (http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pdfs/Signed-Version-070912.pdf)

5. Department of Defense, Measuring Security and Stability in Iraq, September 2007. (http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pdfs/Signed-Version-070912.pdf)

6. ABC News, 9/10/07. ABC News/BBC/NHK National survey.

7.Washington Post, 8/24/07.

8. Washington Post, 8/24/07.

9. Associated Press, 2/15/07.

10. Associated Press, 2/15/07.

11. GAO-06-885T, 7/19/06.

12. Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf).

13. Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf).

14. Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf).

15.Department of Defense, Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq, November 2006. http://www.defenselink.mil/home/features/Iraq_Reports/Index.html

16. Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf).

17.Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf).

18.Brookings Institution Iraq Index, November 1, 2007, 2007. (http://www.brookings.edu/fp/saban/iraq/index.pdf).

19. SIGIR, (http://www.sigir.mil/reports/quarterlyreports/Oct06/Default.aspx)

20. Washington Post, 9/2/07.

21. Special Inspector for Iraq Reconstruction, Quarterly Report, July 2007. (http://www.sigir.mil/reports/quarterlyreports/Jul07/pdf/Report_-_July_2007_Complete.pdf)

22. McClatchy, 10/9/07. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/iraq/story/20296.html

23. Oxfam, Rising to the humanitarian challenge in Iraq, 7/07.

24. Oxfam, Rising to the humanitarian challenge in Iraq, 7/07.

25. Special Inspector for Iraq Reconstruction, Quarterly Report, April 2007.



1. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Phase II Reports, 9/8/06. (http://intelligence.senate.gov/)

2. As of November 8, 2007. Number of days since September 11, 2001.

3. American Security Project,Are We Winning? Measuring Progress in the Struggle Against Violent Jihadism, 9/5/07.

4. State Department press briefing, 4/27/05.

5. According to the National Counterterrorism Center, reported by the Christian Science Monitor, 4/21/06. (http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0421/dailyUpdate.html)

6. National Counterterrorism Center, Country Reports on Terrorism 2005.

7. According to the National Counterterrorism Center, reported by the Washington Post, 5/1/07.

8. Center for American Progress,Iraq by the Numbers, 3/19/07. (http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2007/03/iraq_by_the_numbers.html)

9. Center for American Progress,Iraq by the Numbers, 3/19/07. (http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2007/03/iraq_by_the_numbers.html)



1. According to the National Counterterrorism Center, reported by the Washington Post, 5/1/07.

2. New York Times, 1/17/07.

3. Third Way, September 2006. (http://www.third-way.com/products/58)

4. New York Times, 1/17/07.

5. New York Times, 1/17/07.

6.UN Assistance Mission to Afghanistan, 9/1/07.

7. The Guardian, 10/4/07.

8. The Guardian, 10/4/07.

9. Associated Press, 10/2/07.

10. Associated Press, 10/2/07.

11. Foreign Affairs, January/February 2007.

12. UN Office of Drugs and Crime, 2007 Annual Opium Poppy Survey, 8/27/07.

13. UN Office of Drugs and Crime, 2007 Annual Opium Poppy Survey, 8/27/07.

14. UN Office of Drugs and Crime, 2007 Annual Opium Poppy Survey, 8/27/07.

15. AFP, 10/18/07.

16. USA Today, 6/20/06.

17. USA Today, 6/20/06.

18. American Prospect, 6/29/06.

19. Las Vegas Sun, 6/27/06.

20. Peace Operations Working Group, Afghanistan Peace Operations (http://www.peacebuild.ca/powg/POM/)

21. UN Office of Drugs and Crime, 2007 Annual Opium Poppy Survey, 8/27/07.

22. Council on Foreign Relations, 3/12/06.


World Opinion

1. BBC World Poll, 1/23/07.

2. BBC World Poll, 1/23/07.

3. BBC World Poll, 1/23/07.

4. Pew Global Attitudes Project, 6/27/07. http://pewglobal.org/reports/pdf/256.pdf

5. Pew Global Attitudes Project, 6/27/07. http://pewglobal.org/reports/pdf/256.pdf

6. Pew Global Attitudes Project, 6/27/07. http://pewglobal.org/reports/pdf/256.pdf



1. Securing the Bomb, 2007. http://www.nti.org/e_research/securingthebomb07.pdf

2. Securing the Bomb, 2007. http://www.nti.org/e_research/securingthebomb07.pdf

3.Securing the Bomb, 2007. http://www.nti.org/e_research/securingthebomb07.pdf

4. USA Today, 3/27/06.

5. Securing the Bomb, 2007. http://www.nti.org/e_research/securingthebomb07.pdf

North Korea

1. ISIS, 2/20/07. (http://www.isis-online.org/publications/dprk/DPRKplutoniumFEB.pdf)

2. Congressional Research Service IB91141, 2/16/06.


1. According to the August 2005 National Intelligence Estimate, reported by The New York Times, 8/2/05 and CRS RL32048. (http://www.congress.gov/erp/rl/html/RL32048.html#n_15_)

2. The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), 8/27/07. http://www.isis-online.org/publications/iran/IranIssueBrief30August2007.pdf

3. Wall Street Journal, 5/16/07.

4. U.S. State Department, Global Terror Report for 2006, as reported by BBC News, 5/1/07.

5. As of November 8, 2007. Number of days the Bush Administration has been in office.



1. New York Times, 5/31/07.

2. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Darfur Humanitarian Needs Profile, 9/4/07. (http://ochaonline2.un.org/Default.aspx?tabid=7575)

3. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Darfur Humanitarian Needs Profile, 9/4/07.

4. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Darfur Humanitarian Needs Profile, 9/4/07.

5. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Darfur Humanitarian Needs Profile, 9/4/07.

6. U.S. State Department (http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/36028.htm)

7. Through November 8, 2007. Powell, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing, 9/9/04. .



U.S. Military


1. Department of Defense, CTS Deployment file, 8/31/07.

2. Department of Defense, CTS Deployment File, 8/31/07.

3. National Journal, 4/6/07.

4. As of November 7, 2007. DoD Press Resources (http://www.defenselink.mil/releases/ release.aspx?releaseid=11468)

5. New York Times, 5/10/07.

6. Department of Defense, News Briefing with General Pace and Secretary Gates, 4/11/07. (http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=3928)

7. Associated Press, 8/20/07.

8. USA Today, 5/7/07.

9. 2006 National Security Briefing Book, Foreign Policy Leadership Council, 2/06.

10. Center for American Progress, Marine Corps Equipment After Iraq, August 2006. (http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=2028223)

11. Third Way, September 2006. (http://www.third-way.com/products/58)

12. New York Times, 12/5/06.

13. GAO-06-885T, 7/18/06.

14.GAO-06-885T, 7/18/06.

15. Congress Daily, 2/8/07.

16. Congress Daily, 2/15/07.

17.Congress Daily, 2/15/07.

18. Washington Post, 5/5/07.


Recruiting and Retention

1. Military Times, 12/29/06.

2.Military Times, 12/29/06.

3. Time, 4/5/07.

4. Chicago Tribune, 10/11/07.

5. Chicago Tribune, 10/11/07.

6. Houston Chronicle, 10/14/07.

7. Houston Chronicle, 10/14/07.

8. Lawrence Korb, “America’s Overstretched Army,”The Guardian, 10/12/07.

9. National Journal,“Recruiting in Wartime.” 4/7/07

10. Lawrence Korb, “America’s Overstretched Army,”The Guardian, 10/12/07.

11. Associated Press, 4/12/07. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4176/is_20070412/ai_n19019173

12. Associated Press, 4/12/07. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4176/is_20070412/ai_n19019173

13. Associated Press, 4/12/07. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4176/is_20070412/ai_n19019173

14. Associated Press, 4/12/07. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4176/is_20070412/ai_n19019173

15. The Guardian, 10/12/07.

16. The Guardian, 10/12/07.

17. Washington Post, 8/27/07.

18. Christian Science Monitor, 5/2/07.

19.Christian Science Monitor, 5/2/07.

20. New York Times, 10/24/07.

21. New York Times, 3/23/07. For fiscal year 2005 there were 2,543 desertions and 3,196 in fiscal year 2006.

22. Associated Press, 2/26/07.

23. Reuters, 6/21/06.

24.Reuters, 6/21/06.

25. Salon.com, 9/10/07.

26. Salon.com, 9/10/07.


Domestic Preparedness

1. NBC News, 6/16/06.

2. Department of Homeland Security, January 2007. (http://www.dhs.gov/xprepresp/gc_1167770109789.shtm)

3. Washington Post, 3/2/07.

4.Washington Post, 3/2/07.

5.Washington Post, 3/2/07.

6. General Blum, Testimony before the House Homeland Subcommittee on Management, 5/24/07.

7. New York Times, 2/28/06.



1. H.R. 2642, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2008.

2. Washington Post, 3/22/07.

3. Linda Bilmes, Soldiers Returning from Iraq and Afghanistan: The Long-term Costs of Providing Veterans Medical Care and Disability Benefits, January 2007. (http://ksgnotes1.harvard.edu/Research/ wpaper.nsf/rwp/RWP07-001/$File/rwp_07_001_bilmes.pdf)

4. Los Angeles Times, 7/24/07.

5. Los Angeles Times, 7/24/07.

6. Los Angeles Times, 7/24/07.

7. Veterans Health Administration, Quarterly Report to Congress, 10/2007.

8. Veterans Health Administration, Quarterly Report to Congress, 10/2007.

9. Veterans Health Administration, Quarterly Report to Congress, 10/2007.

10. Veterans Health Administration, Quarterly Report to Congress, 10/2007.

11. USA Today, 10/19/07.

12. USA Today, 10/19/07.

13. USA Today, 4/20/07. The number of staff increased from 992 in 2004 to 1,063 in 2006.

14. Department of Veterans Affairs, report provided by the Veterans Affairs Committee Majority Staff.

15. VA Monday Morning Report, 10/20/07. (http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/201/reports/mmrindex.htm)

16. VA Monday Morning Report, 10/20/07. (http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/201/reports/mmrindex.htm)

17. VA Performance and Accountability Report, FY 2006.

18. VA Performance and Accountability Report, FY 2006.

19. Los Angeles Times, 7/24/07.

20. CQ Today, 7/13/05.

21. CNN, Paula Zahn, 11/13/06.

22. New York Times, 11/8/07.

23. Associated Press, 11/8/07.


Democracy and Development

1. Council on Foreign Relations, 3/14/06. (http://www.cfr.org/publication/10161/global_poverty.html)

2. Congressional Research Service, RL 32427, 9/24/07. (http://www.congress.gov/erp/rl/pdf/RL32427.pdf)

3. Millennium Challenge Corporation, Budget Justification 2008, 2/5/07. (http://www.mcc.gov/about/reports/congressional/ budgetjustifications/mcc-2008-cbj.pdf)

4. Millennium Challenge Corporation, Budget Justification 2008, 2/5/07. (http://www.mcc.gov/about/reports/congressional/budgetjustifications/mcc-2008-cbj.pdf)

5.Congressional Research Service, RL 32427, 9/24/07.

6.Millennium Challenge Corporation. (http://www.mcc.gov/programs/compacts.php) and UN (http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm)

7.Millennium Challenge Corporation. (http://www.mcc.gov/programs/compacts.php) UN (http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/ldc/list.htm)

8. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 3/4/07. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/13/27/38341340.pdf

9. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 3/4/07. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/13/27/38341340.pdf

10. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 3/4/07. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/13/27/38341340.pdf

11. UNICEF (http://www.unicef.ca/portal/Secure/Community/502/WCM/ PRESS/50years/assets/FS/FS_Comparative_Stats.pdf)

12. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/59/51/34700392.pdf).




  • Kristin Devine (224-3232)


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